Play Tests & Ditching the Dice

Hey there y’all, it’s Ziraphix.

Happy to report that, over the last two months, Witch Knife has encountered its first test players! I’m real excited about the feedback WK has received and it’s already lead to some pretty drastic changes to the game system overall. Most notable in these changes is definitely the removal of two d6 from the set of gaming tools used.

A full set of playing card rules for all character actions was made in tandem with dice rules. Reception of the playing card rules was pretty positive overall with enough encouraging feedback that we became confident the game would play well as a system entirely played with a standard deck of playing cards.

This, of course, created a lot of new revision work to get done in an already busy time for the myself and the rest of Hex ‘N’ Holler (the creative collective I’m a part of). Ain’t gonna lie, I’m real tired. But, all things said, I’m confident still about meeting the deadline of June 22nd for the release of the full game in a playable beta version.

Now I’m gonna level with you. I’m no good at social media. I really like the notion of keeping public journals like this though. So, since I know I need it, I’m getting some help to make posts about details on mechanics and game development for WK and blowing the dust off my Cohost account to share it.

I’ll see ya’ll again here soon and until then we’ll be making more frequent updates at

Safe travels. -Ziraphix

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